Digital Healthcare Solution Provider
Book physical or virtual medical appointment with any hospital or doctor and get instant feedback in less than one minute
Manage, share and secure all your medical appointment records and patient physical, social and medical history
Fast, easy and automated appointment billing and debt tracking system for both patients and hospitals.
Our Drive
Customer Centric
MyHospitul is a Hospital Management and Collaboration software (HMCS) solution that helps to improve the management of healthcare procedures and medical information whilst ensuring simple, efficient and stress-free online healthcare services.
MyHospitul HMCS incorporates a system of real-time communication between Hospital, Doctors and Patient to ensure health information integration and democratization amongst all parties.
Realtime Appointment Booking
MyHospitul realtime communication system connects patients to hospitals and doctors within their region in less than one minute.
Healthcare Support
MyHospitul PharmAide, is a novel technology that gives users 24-7 realtime communication with professional pharmaceutical and medical consultants.
Automated Billing Management System
MyHospitul ABMS helps manage hospital and patient appointment bills and give real-time response and feedback on payment and debt a robust debt tracking system.
Integrated Medical and Health Management System
MyHospitul keeps track of all patient-medical appointments, patient-hospital identity and patient medical history with corresponding health analytics to help improve doctor prescription and diagnosis.
Healthcare Journals
MyHospitul HealthAide is a specialised Healthcare journal that gives up to date information on Medical Health Information, Pharmaceutical guidelines and Disease Information Studies (DIS).