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Birth Defects: What You Should Know About Birth Defects


The 7th edition of the World's Birth Defects day is being celebrated with the theme "Many Birth Defects, one voice" .The aim of this day is to mobilize resources and commitment to improve birth defects surveillance and resources .


Birth defects also known as congenital conditions are abnormalities that occur during intrauterine life can be detected during pregnancy ,at birth or later.

These defects may affect the structural or functional activity of the body or even both.

The possibility of a child born with a defect is dependent on the organ or part of the body that is affected and how much often it is affected . It is important to know that not every birth defect affects the lifespan of a person.

Common birth defects include :

  • Spina bifida(when the spinal cord doesn't develop properly)

  • Club foot(ankle and foot deformities)

  • Cleft lip( split in the lip)

  • Congenital heart defects

  • Down syndrome

  • Sickle cell disease

  • Cystic fibrosis, which damages the lungs and digestive system.

  • Missing or undeveloped limbs.


About 7.9 million infants (6% of worldwide births) are born with serious birth defects. Although some congenital defects can be controlled and treated, an estimated 3.2 million of these children are disabled for life.


Birth defects can occur at any stage in pregnancy though most occur at the first trimester(when the organs of the body are still forming). Some of these factors which could cause a defect include:

  • Family history of birth defects (genetics)

  • Smoking , drinking alcohol, or taking certain drugs during pregnancy.

  • Untreated infections

  • Pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes

  • Maternal age of 35 or older


  • Prenatal ultrasounds can be used to diagnose certain birth defects

  • Blood tests and also the use of amniotic fluids .

These test are carried out on women who are at higher-risk women. Even after a baby is born, tests can still be carried out to check for any birth defects .


It varies depending on the can be corrected before birth while others may not such as cerebral palsy , spina bifida etc.

  • Medications : They can be used to treat some birth defects or to reduce the risk of complications of some defects

  • Surgery : can fix defects or ease harmful symptoms

  • Homecare


  • During pregnancy take 400micrograms of folic acid everyday. Folic acid helps to prevent some serious birth defects which affect the brain and spine.

  • Avoid harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco etc when pregnant

  • Take necessary vaccines during pregnancy

  • Maintain healthy weight

  • Attend regular antenatal appointments

  • Genetic counselling


Birth Defects. Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M.D.-Written by Healthline Editorial Team on May 25, 2017

9 Birth Defects and Their Symptoms and Treatments. Richard B. Johnson Jr., M.D. Updated November 09, 2021

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Update on Overall Prevalence of Major Birth Defects -Atlanta , Georgia, 1978-2005.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.2008; 57(1) :1-5 Page last reviewed November 5, 2021

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Racial/ Ethnic differences in Spina bifida-United States, 1995-2005.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.2009.57(53):p.1409-13(page last reviewed :February 25, 2022.

Christianson, A., et al. March of Dimes Global Report of Birth Defects: The Hidden Toll of Dying and Disabled Children. (2006) (accessed August 28, 2008).

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