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Basic Health Hacks For Every Individual


Did you know that over 95% of the world's population has one health related issue or the other? This staggering statistics shows that we are missing certain key details about properly managing our health. In recognition of World Health Day which is being celebrated today 7th April, 2022 globally with the theme - "OUR PLANET,OUR HEALTH", Here are 13 day-to-day health hacks that would help us join the 5% of perfectly healthy people in the world.

  • Organize your self for the day : Make a plan for your daily activities and try to adhere, this helps to keep you in check and also helps to prevent things such as anxiety

  • Ensure to take a break during working hours to relax the brain. It could be in form of stretching, self massage or even short walks within your office because prolonged sitting at a place could cause more harm than good.

  • Exercise : A 10- mins workout a day, every morning preferably can be very beneficial to your health.

  • Make supplements your friends: There are many good supplements which one can take once in awhile which have their different functions, though consult your health care worker first before getting any. Some supplements include:

Vitamin D : strengthens the bones and is also good for neuromuscular activity

Fish oils e.g. Omega-3 : helps with cognitive performance

Some Vitamins help in memory function (e.g. Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acid etc.)

  • Have a laugh

Give yourself a good laugh because laughter has shown to be on one of the best medicines. It helps in both our mental and physical health as individuals . In situations where you are not just feeling in the right mood ,try remembering something that happened in the past that really cracked you up.

  • Engage in outdoor activities : This sometimes helps in relaxing the mind. Activities such as vacations or maybe a regular outdoor activity where you get to chat with friends and talk about things rather than work.

  • Cold shower : This helps in a way with relaxation especially during this period that the weather is hot. A cold shower after a long day at work will do the trick. It helps in circulation, improves mental alertness and increases metabolism.

  • Stay away from your phone : Studies have shown that nowadays we depend so much on digital technology that we forget that our phones can be an underlying cause for the stress, sleep deprivation and depression which we do experience at times.

  • Always stay hydrated by drinking 5 - 7 glasses of water daily

  • Ensure to have healthy sleep : Sleeping for about 7 - 9 hours through the night will help one achieve a healthy rest because your mood, mental alertness and also energy will be active by the next day .

  • Make healthy food choices and avoid junk.

  • Sometimes instead of using the escalator or elevator make use of the stairs . This helps in improving the heart's health .

  • Meditation for about 20 minutes or more can go a long way in achieving a depressed- free mind.


1. Sharon Ross. 21 Simple Health Hacks You Can Use Everyday

2. Ari Nortis.20 Easy Health Hacks That Will Make You Feel Better Every Day (April 24, 2018)

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