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MyHospitul Effect 2.0:Multi-Hospital Appointment Management


In this series of “MyHospitul Effect” we will be looking at the importance of Multi-Hospital appointment management.

Why is Multi-Hospital appointment management necessary? Human desire change, hospital system may fail, people relocate, and hospital also relocates (though on very rare occasions) due to this reasons and many more, it becomes paramount to embed a system of Multi-Hospital Appointment management system in a hospital to help improve a Patient's experience and a Hospital or Doctor's knowledge about a patient, regardless if it’s a new patient or an old patient that has not been to the Hospital for a long time.

One of the major reasons for wrong drug prescription and wrong medical diagnosis is as a result of lack of proper data or information needed to make the right decision which most times is as a result of data unavailability not necessarily because of the Doctor’s inexperience.

MyHospitul includes a system that properly manages every appointment that has been undertaken by an individual and records all the appointment details from the appointment reason, symptoms, vital signs, prescribed drugs and doctor’s comment after the appointment, such that if a foreign Doctor is to treat a Patient, the health history of the patient will be readily available for such Doctor without having to go through the precarious process of starting over.

MyHospitul also embeds a patient's social background details and medical data (which also includes patients’ allergies, other medical treatment and any surgical process that must have been undertaken by a patient).

MyHospitul makes this information accessible to a Doctor during a scheduled appointment visit, access to this information grants a Doctor and/or Hospital access to a pool of information necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and proper drug prescription that won’t be to the detriment of the patient.

MyHospitul Technology envisions a system that will ease and improve the patient's experience and transition process between multiple hospitals with ease. 

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